Monday, 9 January 2017

End of Module Evaluation - Type in Context

Evaluating the Process 

I am still unsure as to what specifically I am most interested in within the field of Graphic Design, however recently I have been swaying more towards publication design; this interest was further helped along by this project in particular. Throughout this process I have implemented what I have learned over my time on this course, as well as learning new and more efficient ways of approaching briefs. During this project in particular, my approach to primary and secondary research has been more thorough than in previous tasks. This taught me the importance of thorough research and helped me through the process significantly. 

The aim of the publication from the start was to produce a language book that stands out from existing books that serve a similar purpose. This has been achieved through the use of bright, bold and exciting colours such as pink and red together with playful type. The aim was to also design it authentically Japanese and this is evidenced through the type and vertical typesetting as well as the use of a bright red circle to catch the readers eye as well as being a clear representation of the Japanese flag. During my time in Japan I managed to document and collect a wide range of material alongside the chosen alphabet. This documentation helped me to influence and inform a number of design decisions based on observations made in Japan, in turn making the book as authentic as possible.

During the binding process, I learnt how to perform a multi-section cross stitch as it was the most suitable binding method for my publication. Attending a binding workshop as apposed to teaching myself was extremely useful as I could ask questions as we went. These questions were specific to my project including if it would work with certain paper stocks and weights. 

As I set myself a time schedule, I managed to finish the design and layout of the content early on which left me plenty of time to experiment with binding methods. This allowed for a number of practice runs which informed future design decisions. The time management aspect is something I have learnt throughout this module and have been able to implement to good effect and is a skill I can take forward into future projects. Managing my time is a skill that has enhanced the quality and professionalism of my work hugely and shows within my final resolutions.

The combination of thorough research, time management and a genuine interest in publication design has resulted in a successful and well considered publication with a clear purpose. This project has strengthened my interest and knowledge of publication design and remains a possible career path.

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