Thursday, 12 January 2017

Poster Book - Research

Record Stores

From the feedback I received, the aim of the posters developed into bringing the experience and physicality of visiting record stores to the consumers home. Each poster will act as a digital portal into the artist/album features on the poster.

Because of this, I thought it was best to visit record stores and document details of them that I can recreate through the poster book.

As well as selling records and CDs, the store also offers tickets for concerts, gigs and nights out. These were displayed on blackboards by the tills.

Some of the posters featured in the poster book will also give consumers access to early bird concert and gig tickets for the artist or band on the poster, this being another incentive to subscribe and collect posters.

The advantages and offerings from the posters will be constantly updated meaning the consumers will get new material and offers from posters they've collected.
Something else that could be accessed through the posters are magazines and journals like the ones pictured here.

I also had a look at some of the music posters up on the walls to get a good sense of whats already be done and how they differ from one another.

Some posters acted purely as a schedule for upcoming concerts and so didn't include a lot of design. However some of them, like this Glass Animals one is aesthetically pleasing and would be suitable to put on a wall.

My posters will have to share the same quality as the consumers will have to want to stick them up on the wall to get the most from them.

A bin of free give aways gave me the idea to include special offers like freebees and sales.

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