Friday, 20 April 2018

OUGD603 - EP - Eatery - Final Resolution

Photography of
Final Outcomes

For the shoot, we decided to set up a replica of what the outcomes might look like when set out in a restaurant setting. This included chopsticks, dishes, condiments and even sushi.

We were pleased with the final outcome however there was one limitation. When we sent the items to be printed, the blue colour didn't come out as vibrant as intended, this made them menu etc look slightly muted. We were able to edited to colours after the images were taken, but it would have been a more successful outcome had the colours have printed as intended.

The menu was designed with a perforated slip down the right hand side of the menu. This was informed by research and previous experiences of Japanese restaurants and the methods they use to take orders. Each item on the menu is numbered, the customer draws an 'x' next to each item they want to order. The slip is then torn off of the menu and given to the waitress. One benefit of this method is that it relinquishes any chance of miscommunication between staff and customers. 

Informed by this method and the fact that each menu can only be used once, it is printed on a cheap stock so that they can be mass produced.

Other collateral produced included a chopstick sleeve and discount flyers. The flyer was informed by the fact that one intention of the rebrand was to attract a wider, more diverse audience and this included students. As Leeds is full of thousands of students who are known for spending money on food and eating out, it made sense to aim the flyers at them in order to entice them.

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