Wednesday 25 November 2015

Hand rendered wayfinding and signage

For my wayfinding project, my aim is to give my signage system a personal touch. Throughout my previous projects, my main way of adding that personal touch is to work mostly by hand. This is because I feel more confident in working by hand primarily, and then translating it digitally to finalise things.

Examples that signage and wayfinding does not have to be designed digitally and can be just as affective when applied by hand. These examples include painted signs upon a brick wall as well as applying hand drawn illustrations on to a wall of a building.

One idea for my project is to produce signage similar to these pictured above. I will consider what surface my signage will be applied to as well as the medium I use to apply it, whether it is drawn with pen or pencil or maybe even painted on. I will also consider the colours used, influence by my research into the science of colour contrast. The colours used are a hugely important aspect of signage as it effects legibility from distances.


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  2. A good idea that came to me while reading is a drawing of a tree where its branches point in the direction of wherever it is you are trying to point them to. It could easily be painted onto a wall or even a 3-D version would be cool looking. I see you don't need any ideas on how to be creative though.

    Elaine Miller @ Hawk Eye Print
