Friday 29 April 2016

Peer Evaluation - Studio Brief 03


This being our first proper group project, I was unsure as to how to approach it at first. We suggested that each member of the team went away and researched into a different concept and that we would then come together at the end of the week and each pitch our own concept. This method allowed us to explore a number of possible avenues and avoiding just thinking of one and going with it straight away.

We then decided on which concept we would like, as a group, to take forward.This came as a result of each of us giving our own opinions as to what works best with each concept and then combining them into one.

We then had a small talk with Simon, who's main critique was that it was more of an idea and less of a concept. To build on it, we would have to have a much stronger sense of what we are trying to achieve. Something that came up in the talk that Simon liked the idea of was the concept of investment. From this, we then started brain storming about how we could make investment into a concept.

We came up with the idea that we would be asking the attendees of the exhibition to invest their time into the work on display. This then ties in with the idea of the Leeds Bank of Art.

We then had the task of distributing the work load evenly as the Easter holidays approached. We made a list of all the jobs that needed doing and then allocated each one to a team member based on skills and interests.

I had the task of producing ideas for wayfinding and other visuals that would bring the concept together. 

We had the idea to start a Google presentation. This allowed us all to edit our concept and final pitch at anytime and see what others had contributed. We all made sufficient effort over the three weeks we were away and so we had a strong enough concept to present on the Friday.

After the presentation, we evaluated our feedback from the tutors and third years that we then acted upon and altered within our presentation to then re-pitch the following week.

Unfortunately, our team and concept did not get picked however it was a learning experience into working within a team that I hadn't previously done.

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