In order to find a team of creatives to work with, we were asked to put together a couple of slides that demonstrated ourselves as designers and work we admire. These slides were then showcased in front of a room full of designers, illustrators and animators. The slides also included briefs we want to undertake as a group.
Due to the brief I selected, it was clear that it was favoured by Graphic Designers as opposed to other courses. This meant that the group we got together consisted of only Graphics. At first, I thought this may impact the project but, we as a group, came to realise that each of us are very different and unique designers from one another and so we will all bring different skill sets and approaches to the brief.

We each introduced ourselves to each other and showed the group examples of our work to give them a good idea of what each member of the team is interested in and good at.
The next stage was to read through the brief and start to brainstorm possible ideas, this was the first difference I noticed between working alone and in a group. The idea generation stage of a project was a lot more broad as it was a coming together of different peoples minds. It made me realise how differently some designers approach and interpret briefs.
Key Points
- Celebrate hard-won wisdom and life-lessons through illustration or photography
- Identify the advice you'd like to give
- Create a series of 3 posters or prints
- Heartfelt advice
- Decide target audience, let this inform designs
- Think fun and life-affirming
- A celebration of the times you've learned something the hard way
- What do I wish I had been told
- 3 x Poster designs or prints, landscape or portrait, dimensions 578 x 370mm (for potential publication)
- Title each piece and supply a short description.
We first wanted to decide on the target audience as this is open to interpretation within the brief and is an important detail in any concept. We decided to aim our project at young creatives, in particular creatives who are just starting their degrees at uni. This decision was informed by the fact that all members of the team have been in that position and it is a situation that is still fresh in our minds. This will allow us all to think back to that time and think up advice we would appreciate at that time.

Team Rationale
Our aim is to produce a series of 3 posters aimed at young creatives, such as 1st year students at University, who might be new to the discipline or softwares. The posters will showcase a number of skills that each team member has picked up during their years studying and becoming a creative. We shall each outline what we as individuals consider to be good advice as a young creative kick starting their creative passion and what we would like to have been told when we were in their position. We will then communicate this advice utilising a range of medias and facilities available at the college to showcase the possibilities available to someone in the target audience. The posters will not only show them possibilities, but will also aim to break any stereotypical barriers concerning the creative industries, Graphic design in particular. This will be done through the use of techniques that may not be typically thought of as being within the Graphic Design discipline.
With this rationale in mind, we then decided to go over our notes and choose a range of ideas that we will develop further. We went away with our notes and ideas and planned to meet up soon after to discuss what we had come up with, from there we would then choose one or two ideas to take forward.
Unfortunately the group was not able to meet up before me and another member flew out to Berlin on a Uni trip. This left the other two members without us however we discussed what we should do whilst we were away. We decided that the two team members who stayed in Leeds that week could meet up and start producing some work based on the groups ideas.
I made sure to let the group know that even though they were doing all the work that week, that I would make up for it at a later date so that the work load is spread evenly amongst the team members.
D&AD and Judges
Before coming up with any ideas, the team thought it would be a good idea to start by researching the D&AD New Blood awards.
The detail that we considered to be the most important and something that we could inform our own process with was the fact that New Blood focuses on the future of creative disciplines and so is looking for experimental and innovative work. These are two things that we tried to achieved throughout the project as it would give us a better chance of winning.
“New Blood is challenge. New Blood is about new thinking. New Blood is about marking tomorrow as yours. We need New Blood”
We then thought that it would be a good idea to research the people who would be judging our work so that we could aim to produce work similar to their design interests or styles. Research included looking into a number of members of the Adobe team including Oliver Chapman, Patrice de Villiers, Verity Slade and Sam Summerskill.
Above is a series of poster prints designed by Verity Slade. The use of bold, playful colours and the simple layout is a style that we all agreed on using for inspiration.
These colourful yet simple posters were designed by another one of the judges and fellow adobe team member Patrice de Villiers. The combination of image and text makes for high impact and is something we wanted to achieve in order to grab the judge’s attention.
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