Thomas Howells
- "one definition of art is making the familiar strange"
- what I'm trying to do is make the strange familiar?
- although the act of eating is familiar to everyone, we are increasingly alienated from the production of our food
- The Mutato Project, 2006

- Maybe don't focus entirely on future of food
- brand looks at food holistically, in a different light like this book demonstrates
- e.g. content of magazine looks at everything food related and gives readers a fresh, new view on the topic
- Gastronomy = art of preparing and eating food
- brand should exist on Instagram?
- an informative Instagram page demonstrating gastronomy in the same way this book does
- Tresspass the Salt - experiment demonstrating using gastronomy for positive social change
- resolving conflict between Palestine and Lebanon
- Smog tasting - identifying amounts of smog pollution in the air through the process of producing meringues
- again, an example of how gastronomy can be used for good
- instead of creating the problem through live stock pollution etc, problems can be highlighted by food to then be encouraged to change
- Andy Warhol - "a Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good"
- Growbot Garden, Food data hacks and Kitchen Lab instigate social action through combining food, technology and community
Food Data Hacks
The program aims to build a publicly available base if nutrition data, to create a new innovative and value adding solutions, and to further develop the use of open data for entrepreneurial purposes. Every year creative, entrepreneurial and scientific projects in the area of food and nutrition data are selected and supported on their way from the first idea to market readiness by providing new open data, intense coaching, mentorship and financial support.
Kitchen Lab
An exciting collaboration between the founding Swedish directors and a new UK partner, KitchenLab UK supplies premium trade and domestic customers with the highest quality chef's tools, equipment and ingredients.
They specialise in sourcing ultra hi-spec commercial catering equipment, molecular ingredients, sous vide equipment, bespoke tableware and mixology accessories.
- Speculative Gastronomy - employs tools, symbols and processes of food preparation in order to imagine food futures, prototype alternative cuisines or critique existing culinary practice
- Centre for Genomic Gastronomy - their role is to train creative practitioners, food professionals and amateurs to imagine and test a range of food futures.
Centre for Genomic Gastronomy
An artist-led think tank that examines the biotechnologies and biodiversity of human food systems.
There mission is:
- to map food controversies
- to prototype alternative culinary futures
- imagine a more just, biodiverse & beautiful food systems
The Centre presents its research through public lectures, research publications, meals and exhibitions. Since 32010, the Centre has conducted research and exhibited in Europe, Asia and North America. They collaborate with scientists, chefs, hackers and farmers.
- InVitro Meats - animal cells grown in a lab for the purpose of human consumption
- Tissue Culture and Art Project - First lab-grown meat
- dressing the meat of tomorrow - sculpture by James King, 2006
- Discussions about converting to an insect diet are different when an audience is shown seductive images of imagines insect sausages.
- We need the voices of artists, outsiders and experimental eaters to make sure that we collectively build a food system that is more just, beautiful and biodiverse than the one we currently have
- everyone is interested in food.
- trend forecasters, social engineers and venture capitalists are looking all over for inspiration to create new products
- Experimental Eating is a conversation starter with people who think deeply about food cultures and food systems
- Contemporary art is an essential domain of experimentation and research
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