Inspired by the Alzheimer's Australia campaign, I decided to start to come up with ways in which I could achieve similar things using Parkinson's UK as the driving force.
As my project is aimed towards the young on-set people living with the disease, I decided to produce a logo that represents them as a community. This is to make them feel like there is enough of them for there to be dedicated design towards the community.
I have used the full-round stencil font that Parkinson's UK already uses throughout their branding to make obvious the link between the charity and the sub category of the Working Age UK that this logo represents The aim was to produce something youthful and current that also makes use of existing branding guidelines. This is also what informed the two blue colours used, both separating the two letters.
Moving on from the logo development, the next stage was to come up with an interchangeable phrase, similar to the Alzheimer's campaign that could be used throughout this campaign as a means of distribution. One thing I wanted to stick to and was informed by my research was to keep the language used as positive. This is due to the fact that existing publicity for the disease is generally a bit depressing.
I began by playing around with some words and phrases before coming up with two options on the left.
The idea behind these interchangeable phrases is to represent the working-age people of the UK that have Parkinson's and to raise awareness of the fact that it doesn't only effect older people, but that it has effected hundreds of people all over the country who want to hold down a job or who have to take care of their family.
The overall tone of voice is empowering for the younger people with the disease.
The idea was to then transform the concept into a full-blown campaign and to consider how it would be communicated and to whom.
As the campaign revolves around younger people, I decided that an informed and considered means of communication would be social media.
- Groups & Communities - events and things to bring them together
- Other charities - How they code messages
- encouraging language directly address them. "you can have..."
- maybe organise an event ? and produce the design for it.
- re-write the brief
- what is the problem?
- what am I trying to achieve in response to the problem
- target audience
- product, range & distribution
- Online community
- Bring working-age people together
Further Development
- a social media tool that brings the working age community together
- tool links with Google Calendar - notifies peoples phones about events
- iPhone app as the "tool"
- working-age UK smartphone app
- notifications feature informed by cognitive side of disease
- Log-in - Home Page - news feed, calendar, contact, profile page
- moving on from the online community idea
- it has already been done
- I want to encourage meeting up in person as opposed to talking on forums
The feedback from the critique session was that I need to specify a stronger aim and purpose and that I need to solve a problem.
The new problem is to bring young on-set people with Parkinson's together in person. Moving on from this, I wanted to come up with a way of making it easier for them to communicate between each other and organise meet ups.
The obvious outcome was to create a smartphone app. This is informed by the age of the target audience.
Smartphone App
- Target Audience - young on-set / working age Parkinson's patients
- specific to the UK
- users looking for events, gatherings etc amongst the community
- also to post their own events
- advertise app on website
- app features : demonstrate reminders
- app regularly reminds user of the functions and features
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