- About behind the scenes/ closed doors
- Not just athletes
- Other job roles and their impact - making people aware of the other job roles
- Behind the Brand
- Targeting people who already have skills
- Editorial?
- Don't completely neglect males
Follow Up Research
All in or Nothing Campaign
- Campaigns provide evidence of the amount of diverse work that goes into them
- Film making etc
- Working with Kick TV - "hugely collaborative"
Look at Ingrid's Yoga app?
- Adidas already have Youtube videos that celebrate / represent 'behind the scenes'
> Do I take this further?
> Give it an identity
> Alternative deliverables?
Organised events by Adidas
- Talks from different job roles
- Inspiring youth and educating them on diversity of roles within Adidas
Bringing anxious demographic closer to the people who have jobs and who know the industry
- having people working for Adidas tell their story
- Adverts outlining different skills coming together to form a campaign
- Adverts normally seen for face value... broken down and explained to represent the diverse people involved
Only outlining creative roles?
- every large corporation is assumed to have a business team...
- the roles in creative side are less well known
What Adidas do already...
I visited Adidas's website to get a feel of what they do already in terms of advertising career opportunities.

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