Cleaver examples of interactive print campaigns
Print ads used to be the standard format for creative advertising, but with the growth of the digital era paper ads became expensive, slow and outdated. Now, many companies are looking for new ideas in combining print with digital through magazine and newspaper ads.
This print ad won the Mobile Grand Prix at Cannes in 2014. The ad includes a wristband you could attach to your child as they run around at the beach. The app lets you set a distance and receive alerts if the child wandered beyond the limit.
A prime example of how a print ad can be brought to life using a smart phone.
Proves how easy it is to produce something printed that can be featured in a magazine whilst having built in technology that is hardly noticeable at first.
- An Arjowiggins advertising campaign featured weekly in a magazine.
- Printed on differing paper samples from their ranges.
- Whilst also advertising Sony Music.
The brand teamed up with Wired to promote the Moto X’s customisation. People could change the colour of the phone by pushing buttons.
- An advert using Arjowiggins paper that can also be interactive using a smartphone device.
- The ad would play music under Sony music label through the phone ?

Kontor Records
This 'Office Turn table' idea was thought up by Kontor
record company. Sending a vinyl record to clients was problematic as hardly anyone will have a record player in their office or even at home. To tackle this, they created a paper turn table that could play the record through the users smart phone. The record comes in a paper sleeve that folds out into a turn table. The recipient then places the record on top and scans the QR code with their phone. Now, all they have to do is
rest their phone on top of the record and it will begin to play.
This being an incredible use of smartphones to make a print ad exciting and interactive.
- Create something similar that when combined with a smartphone, plays music from Sonys label
Lladro Lighting
- An ad that transforms into a lamp
- the print acts as a pop-up book, allowing people to create their own lamp shades by mounting the paper on a corner of a room.
- Create something similar using Arjowiggins paper that doubles up as something else when used alternatively.
- The secondary function would have to be something music based
- Create a paper ad that when folded following instructions it creates a speaker / funnel that makes music from a smartphone louder
- Design an interactive weekly poster aimed at a younger audience who would be more inclined to put up posters and to interact with it using a smartphone.
These interactive print examples have given me the idea to try to produce something similar as producing something like this would allow me to combine paper samples from Arjowiggins with digital music, promoting both the paper suppliers as well as Sony Music. The idea behind using both print and digital stems from the opinion that in order for print to survive it must be supported in someway by digital.
The brief asks to 'create a campaign or
initiative, service or product with paper at its
core'. As the primary focus of the campaign/product will be paper, the digital aspect coming second, an approach like this would be suitable.
My approach to creating an interactive print product will take strong influences from both the office desk paper turn table as well as the Lladro lighting posters.
Critique session
- Yes to interactive
- iphone wooden speaker idea - made of paper
- posters ?
> interactive with smart phone
- personalised poster & codes
- a pack related to individual artists
- a publication made of posters of artists
> diff paper for diff poster
> acts as a discover weekly
- Golden Moments III - Behance
- Posters to include artisits, album artwork, genres, moods etc
- website - choose which pack you want to be sent that month/week
- maybe introduce internet/viral songs for humour
- This idea give the paper range more importance with any interaction coming second
Pitching possible ideas to a group of peers, there was a shared opinion that paper should take more of a predominant role, and then maybe adding a secondary interactive element. However, the interactive aspect whould be used in some way, shape or form to give the final resolution depth and strength.
Spotify print campaign
Spotify has released a global outdoor print campaign with the tagline "Thanks 2016, it's been weird".
Each poster contains localised messages from spotify, driven by data from listeners and pop culture topics relevant to 2016.
The UK billboard reads... "Dear 3,749 people who streamed 'It's The And Of The World As We Know It' the day of the Brexit vote, hang in there".
This campaign is a simple yet effective example of how a purely digital service can make use of print campaigns. The ads themselves say nothing about the service Spotify provides or includes any of the same features. It is solely run on the humour and cleverness of each quotation. Each quote is then site specific according to country its found in. All of these things come together to make a really humorous, light hearted and relatable ad campaign.
Golden Moments III
A promotional book full of examples of the studio's work, showing off their unique style as well as their professionalism.
This would be a great way to advertise Arjowiggins paper ranges as a similar book could be filled with posters and inserts that make the most of a whole range of different stocks and samples offered by them.
The Idea
To design a promotional poster book showing off a range of stock samples from any of the ranges offered by Arjowiggins.
A series of posters containing music related artwork; album artwork, artist portraits etc.
A subscription gets you a weekly delivery of new poster designs. The customer can choose which poster book they want to receive every week, chosen from a different selection each week.
- To make the decision, the website will offer a sneak peak into what each poster book offers.
- The books will be informed by different aspects of music each time; some will be genre related, some will be time related etc.
Target Audience
The target audience will have to be people who are likely to want to hang posters up on their walls. This is typically people aged 13-24.
Interactive feature
There will then be a hidden QR code on each of the posters that, when scanned, takes the user to the song and plays it. This feature is suitable as the target audience are familiar with this concept. Adding this would give the idea more depth as it allows recipients to further engage with the product.
The content of each poster will be informed and influenced by the stock on which it's printed. Some posters will be printed on glossy stocks and so will include more photographic designs whereas the posters on more textured, matt stock will take advantage of those textures in one way or another.